美樂家在過去的一年時間,曾經尋求世界頂尖的生物研究機構,對美樂家的Peak Performance Pack,活力巔峰組合營養產品,進行臨床效果的科學研究。今年一月五日,美樂家在每年一度的新產品宣布會上公佈了一項科研研究結果,既著名的Freiburg Study。
我密切關注了有關該項研究的各種信息,自己也體驗了該產品。根據我學習和親身體驗,我認識到該產品確實正如美樂家的稱述,這一組合營養產品對人體健康的多項重要指標的改善,得到了科學的驗證,這一產品不僅是美樂家三十年來產品中的一重要里程碑,而且在整個營養產品市場中將產生重大影響。本博客將把目前官方公佈的Freiburg Study的內容整理為中英對照,作為一重要歷史記錄在我的博客中記錄下來。
Freiburg Study
In April 2014, a study was commissioned to determine the impact of six nutritional supplements taken together as a pack. The study was conducted in Freiburg, Germany with 48 healthy human subjects of various ages. None of the test subjects had been diagnosed with any disease prior to the study and none were taking any type of medication. However, according to their health markers 24 of the subjects had metabolic syndrome, like elevated blood pressure and cholesterol or bodyweight but all still within what doctors would consider a normal range. The other 24 subjects had healthy markers closer to what would be considered ideal. The methodology of the study consisted of taking blood from each individual subject. We tested the blood samples for:
弗賴堡 科研
2014年4月,德國佛萊堡大學一研究小組得到一筆研究基金開始進行一項科學研究,這項科研的研究內容是一套裝產品Peak Performance Pack,該套裝包括有六種食品輔助營養產品,該研究的重點是用科學的方式分析該套裝的服用效果。參加這個項目的研究對象為四十八健康人,年齡不同。這些研究對像在參加研究之前沒有發現有任何疾病,他們都無曾服過醫藥。其中二十四人,根據他們的健康狀況,屬於有新陳代謝問題的症狀,即有亞健康的症狀,比如較高的血壓,較高的膽固醇,或略高的體重,但是這些指標,根據醫生的一般標準,是屬於的正常範圍之內;另外二十四人的健康指標屬於理想的健康。該項研究對每個人進行血樣分析,指標為:
- Free radical activity
- Cholesterol levels
- Blood lipid levels
- C-reactive protein
- Glucose levels
- Insulin response
- Inflammation
- 自由離子的活動性
- 膽固醇
- 血脂
- C反應蛋白
- 葡萄糖
- 胰島素反應性
- 發炎程度
We also recorded heart rate and blood pressure. Measurements were taken before and immediately after a specific prescribed amount of exercise. Subjects were asked to come to the laboratory having fasted for eight hours. The tests went on for a period of 12 weeks. We asked each subject to not change anything about their lifestyle or diet during those 12 weeks, except to take the Peak Performance Pack that we gave them.
研究還記錄了心率和血壓。按照指定的運動,之前和之後都進行了這些指標的測量。研究要求,研究對象在研究之前空腹八個小時,然後進行為期十二週的研究測試。我們要求研究對象在這段期間不改變他們的生活習慣和飲食,唯一要求是服用我們指定的Peak Performance Pack產品。
First, to establish each person’s baseline health metrics, extensive testing was conducted separately on each subject prior to taking the pack. We then administered the supplement along with a small roll of bread in order to aid digestion and to evaluate the body’s insulin response.
Second, we took measurements again, one hour after the subject first took the Peak Performance Pack. We did this with all 48 subjects.
第二,研究對象服用Peak Performance Pack套裝產品之後一個小時,我們分別對四十八人進行研究了同樣的測試。
Third, we asked the subjects to take the Peak Performance Pack every day for a period of six weeks and return to the laboratory where we repeated the identical tests that we had done with them prior to taking the pack.
第三,我們要求研究對象在六週內每天服用Peak Performance Pack產品,然後回到實驗室,我們又對他們進行了同樣的測試。
Finally, we asked them to continue taking the Peak Performance Pack for an additional six weeks and asked them to return again to administer the same blood test as above.
最後,我們要求他們繼續服用Peak Perforamce Pack六週,然後回來進行同樣的驗血測試。
For now, we know that through proper nutrition (the Peak Performance Pack), exercise, and a healthy diet, we can hope to slow down the aging process and hope to reduce the likelihood of contracting degenerative diseases. But we should be careful not to suggest that the Peak Performance Pack will prevent these diseases or cure them.
現在,我們知道通過適當的營養(Peak Performance Pack),身體鍛鍊,以及健康的飲食,我們可以希望減緩衰老的過程,也希望能夠降低患得影響身體功能方面的疾病。但是我們應該小心謹慎,不能建議說Peak Performance Pack產品就會預防這些疾病,或者能夠治癒這些疾病。
The following are partial results, a better view from original web page.
1 Hour
第一次服用Peak Performance Pack之後一個小時,發現研究對象的運動心跳率平均減少每分鐘五次。
四十八個研究對象第一次服用Peak Performance Pack之後一個小時,我們記錄的結果是,其抗發炎能力的平均值增強了35.8%。
6 Weeks
六週服用Peak Performance之後,四十八人休息狀態的自由離子活動性平均數值減少20.7%
四十八位研究對象在連續服用Peak Performance六週之後,收縮血壓的統計平均數據下降了5.2%。
六週之後檢測數據表明,四十八位研究對象進行同樣的運動,其心律比服用Peak Performance之前的同樣鍛鍊要平均減少每分鐘八次。
12 Weeks
四十八位研究對象在服用Peak Performance十二週之後,血液中一氧化氮的含量超過原來的一倍多。
服用Peak Performance Pack十二週之後,進行同樣運動的心律平均要減少每分鐘九次。
美樂家公司對該產品的科研結果十分有信心,自2015年1月Peak Performance數個組合產品推出來之後,公司還鼓勵消費會員與自己的家庭醫生或診所聯繫,要求普通的血樣檢驗獲得自己幾項關鍵健康的指標,用來進行服用之前和之後的九十天對比:
- 總膽固醇 (Total Cholesterol)
- 高膽固醇既好的膽固醇 (HDL Cholesterol)
- 低膽固醇既壞膽固醇 (LDL Cholesterol)
- 三酸甘油脂 (Triglycerides)
- 血壓 (Blood Pressure)
- 血糖 (Blood Glucose)
- 糖化血紅蛋白 (Hb A1c Level)
- 其它 ,如心率等
- 網站:Freiburg Study
- 文獻:Freiburg Study 科研方法和結果概要
- 文獻:Freiburg Study 科研更多的結果數據
- 美樂家公司 Peak Performance 常見問題解答
- 美樂家公司 Peak Performance九十天健康指標對比表
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